Yama Coffee Siphon w/ Butane Burner (5 Cup)

Regular price $140.00

Yama 5 cup siphon coffee brewer. This siphon is for the ultimate coffee lover. It creates one of the most incredible coffee extractions available as we begin with the activation energy of fire to make hot water in the bottom bulb boil and evaporates into the top chamber containing coffee. This brew process results in the most well rounded even brew process due to the coffee being brewed at a constant consistent temperature within the vacuum. Once the heat source is removed a vacuum is created which through "kickback" pulls brewed coffee back through the filtration chamber and into the bottom bulb. The result is an incredible coffee extraction. The Yama Vacuum Brewer ships with one filter cloth, the filter assembly, a measuring spoon, lid/stand, vacuum brewer and butane burner. WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN HEATING WITH AN OPEN FLAME
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