Cloud Roasting™

Cloud Roasting™ creates the most aromatic roast

Most coffee companies use a traditional drum roasting process and compete in the marketplace with location, marketing savy and personal charisma, each claiming to be the best. We say the difference is in the process. Our proprietary Cloud Roasters™ create a superior roast: visually in roast consistency; with intense aroma; and the final proof being in the cup. As pioneers of the Cloud Roasting™ process we can confidently say its all about the taste.  Clean, bold and less acidic.

Most drum roasters today introduce hot air into their roast chamber, then the beans tumble and touch the hot surfaces to roast, like clothing in a clothes dryer. Our proprietary roasting process levitates the beans on a bed of hot air, keeping the beans moving and not scorching on hot surfaces. The sole use of hot air greatly increases the rate of heat transference to the beans, creating a cleaner, more aromatic roast free of bitter tasting tars. 

The purpose of a roaster is to roast quality beans to a precisely specified roast. Most boutique roasters simply can not deliver an exact roast level with a drum roaster. Each bean is going to come into contact with the scorching drum surface differently. Cloud Roasting™ is the only way to ensure each bean is roasted to exactly the specified roast level.

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